Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FINAL WAR ,biology

okay ,esok adelah final test for percubaan ,biology paper 3 .ouchh takut >< sub science nie susa boley thn .
soo ,as usual mlm2 bru nk bkk bku .apelah nk jd nie kn ? -.- .
skrg tga dlm mood cuty ,so mmg tade mood nk membukak buku .maaf cikgu :( .haihh .mlm nie tatau npe rse lonely sgt .npe agaknya? awk ,mne awk ?? :( .

u made me confused :(
wht am i suppsosed to do nw ? should i jst wait n c or jst make my movee? .pleasee,dnt punish me this wayy ,im jst wanted to knw the trurth ,cn i ?